Games in English

What We Liked..

Easy to play

Low system requirements

Satisfying progression

.. and what we didn't

Perhaps <em>too</em> automated

Typical Chinese grind

Thin population

4.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.4

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

Dragon Lord is a turn-based, browser MMORPG that does most of the work for you but still leaves you with plenty of choices to make and loot to claim.
Most of the actual gameplay is automated except for multiplayer dungeons – you have to actually participate in those. Solo adventures though, they can all play out automatically: yes, you can choose how to queue up attacks with your primary hero, but 99% of the time you will just set it to auto and watch as your party lays waste.
There is still some strategy involved though, especially when it comes to maximizing both your character and party power.

➔ Main points:

  • Turn-based browser MMORPG
  • 2D graphics, easy to run
  • Automated gameplay for combat...
  • ... but still lots of strategy involved

What We Liked..

Simple to grasp

Easy mechanics

Short game duration

.. and what we didn't

Long queue times

Low playerbase

Needs more progression mechanics

Lack of customization and maps

4.1 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.2

Genre: shooter

Setting: sci-fi

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvP

Battle Arena is a free to play 2D multiplayer shooter from ShadowWolf Games, available for download on Steam. The game offers a singular mode, five different characters, and over 15 unique weapons that players can use and power up during matches. For a platform shooter, games are tentatively short, and players don't require any FPS experience whatsoever. Unfortunately, progression systems and unique customization options are far and few between, meaning there isn't much to keep you playing beyond the easy matches.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play 2D multiplayer shooter
  • Platform gameplay
  • No cash shop
  • Minimal game modes and customization

What We Liked..

Strategy and ARPG layers that work

Tons of systems and progression

Big community

.. and what we didn't

Expensive cash shop

4.0 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.1

Genre: mmorpg, war

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

Eternal Fury is a free to play browser-based strategy game with a twist. While raising your kingdoms, armies and alliances are all key gameplay features, you'll also need to upgrade your singular hero ruler, with RPG-like gameplay system in place that offers a good time.
Battles are fought on both maps - the kingdom world view and in arena-style battles that shakes up the usual boring and monotonous gameplay. While free to play, Eternal Fury's cash shop is a mixed bag and borderline hovers over what's fair.

➔ Main points:

  • Unique Strategy and Action-RPG gameplay blend
  • More to do than the average strategy kingdom builder
  • Active playerbase
  • Nice visuals and soundtrack

What We Liked..

A fun twist on battle royales

Free to play

Fair way to earn cosmetics

.. and what we didn't

Lack of maps and modes

Queue times are long

Optimization issues

4.0 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.0

Genre: shooter, MOBA

Setting: present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvP all vs all

Cuisine Royal is a refreshing battle royale game that pits players against each other either in solo, duo or squad groups on a large open map. The game features similar gameplay to other battle royale titles such as gearing up through searching houses and other buildings on the map for weapons, and moving to secured locations when the safe timer is up. Cuisine Royale stands out by letting players use kitchen utensils like cooking pans, pots and chef knives as part of the equipment players can fight with.

For a free to play game, Cuisine Royale offers some limited character progression through its crafting system that lets you earn cool looking rewards like masks and outfits. While there are three sever locations currently, the player base fluctuates and it can be hard to find matches off prime time hours.

➔ Main points:

  • A battle royale game made unique thanks to its kitchen inspired theme of gear and weapons
  • Three server locations including NA/EU and Eastern Europe
  • Free to play with limited lootbox microtransactions

What We Liked..

Great graphics

Interesting Company System

Addictive gameplay

.. and what we didn't

Repetitive missions

The cash shop unbalances the game

Audio hiccups

4.0 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.0

Watch the trailer:

Genre: war, action, shooter, mmorpg

Setting: sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions all vs all

Dark Orbit is a free to play browser based MMO with a heavy focus on ship battles, resource collection, and clan interaction.

Developed by Bigpoint, Dark Orbit (now dubbed Dark Orbit Reloaded), aims to replicate the likes of Eve Online, within the confines of and top down isometric browser game.

Bigpoint creates a wholly enjoyable experience with very few hang ups.
Select between one of three different companies to earn glory and fortune for both the player and the employer by completing quests, collecting resources and killing space baddies.

This gameplay loop, along with some solid sound design and interesting ships to create and customize makes for a very enjoyable browser game. However the repetitive quests, over reliance on grinding, and difficulty may grate on some players’ nerves.

Graphically speaking the game is top notch: we’ve rarely seen browser games as visually impressive.
The sound design is good, however some audio sounds compressed and low quality.
If you’re a fan of browser games or have a rig that doesn’t allow for more intensive titles, Dark Orbit may be an excellent choice for you.

➔ Main points:

  • Quality action-based browser-game, that differentiates itself from the mass of strategic titles.
  • Fun gameplay loop and top-notch graphics after the latest 2016 major update.
  • Interesting choice between companies.
  • Few downsides, with repetitive quests being the most problematic.

What We Liked..

The Foundry

Battle system

Exploring the Forgotten Realms

.. and what we didn't

Questing can get a tad bit boring

Its technical side

4.0 out of 5
Editorial vote: 8.0

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Neverwinter is a new free-to-play MMORPG based off the classic table-top RPG, Dungeons and Dragons. The game immerses the player into the Forgotten Realms, the world in which Dungeons and Dragons takes place.

As usual, at the beginning of the game you create your own personal character, choosing their race, class and even their "faith" and back story. The battle system is rather fluid and is controlled by the player in real time, allowing the rhythm of the game to keep steady.

Neverwinter gives the players even more control of the game with its online quest creation system. Appropriately called the "Foundry", it allows you to make your own personalized adventures which all players are able to play.

Neverwinter is a great MMORPG thanks to the originality of its combat system and quest creator all while still holding to its classical RPG roots. If you've played Dungeons and Dragons, there's no excuse not to try Neverwinter.

What We Liked..

One of the best space sim MMOs to-date

Plenty of content

ships and players

Huge battles are stories worth experiencing

.. and what we didn't

Can be too complex for new players

Grindy in-between fun moments

3.8 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.7

Genre: mmorpg, simulation

Setting: sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

EVE Online is a legendary space simulation MMO that first launched in 2003. The game puts players in a compelling visual game world that's all about conquering space for your race, corporation and faction. With almost two decades worth of content and updates, EVE Online offers PvE and PvP that's unique in the genre, where both solo players and large guilds can carve our their own fun and history through huge battles where everything is at stake, in addition to exploration, economy, crafting and more. While it's an intricately complex game to get into for new players, the time investment pays off in the long run if you have an end goal in mind. The game is free to play and its microtransactions aren't that intrusive. Overall, it's still a household MMO title and worth playing even today.

➔ Main points:

  • Deep and immersive space sandbox simulator
  • Offers plenty of content for all types of players
  • Can be enjoyed for free without pay walls
  • Graphics are decent for a 17 year old game

What We Liked..

Interesting premise for a game

Good use of MMO elements

Nice visuals

.. and what we didn't

Poor performance optimization

Lacks control customization

3.8 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.7

Genre: strategy

Setting: present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE PvP

RAM Pressure is a turn-based tactical squad strategy game in the mold of XCOM. It's free to play and players will pick either the USA, Russia or China to represent. In RAM Pressure players control squads of soldiers which contain up to 4 soldiers, each varying in terms of class and weapon-set. The objective will be to complete PvE missions and PvP battles to eventually grow their squads through experience points and better gear.

➔ Main points:

  • Squad tactical turn-based strategy game that will feel familiar for fans of XCOM
  • Highly detailed environment graphics and visuals
  • Plenty of missions to do solo or multiplayer
  • Free to play with optional transactions

What We Liked..

Generous free to play model

Large playerbase

Steady stream of updates and content

Great sandbox

.. and what we didn't

Not solo friendly

Lacks content diversity

Large world but feels empty

3.8 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.7

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

When it comes to free to play sandbox MMORPGs, Albion Online stands out. Its top-down isometric gameplay, low-polygonal graphics, huge game world and immersive sandbox systems are its core strengths that keeps its healthy playerbase coming back for more. In Albion, players will grow their classless characters into farmers, crafters, traders or sell-swords, depending on what you want to do which means there's literally something for everyone. While its progression systems are deep and complex, it offers long-term grinds that are worth the effort. Unfortunately, solo players will find it hard to progress far in PvE if they dislike PvP, while large guilds and factions will dominate the economy in different parts of Albion. Overall, it's a solid free to play MMORPG.

➔ Main points:

  • Isometric sandbox MMORPG
  • Free to play with optional premium currency and status
  • Deep and immersive progression systems
  • Grindy but worth the effort especially for PvP end-game
  • Large and active playerbase

What We Liked..

Gameplay is simple yet complex enough to keep the player engaged

Accelerated time keeps the game moving and interesting

Graphics are engaging and excellent

.. and what we didn't

Dangerously easy to rely on the game shop

Not good on battery life

Very time consuming as you level up

3.8 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.5

Genre: simulation, casual

Setting: city, present

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: no fighting


If orange is the new black, then farming is the new popular app. With games like Farmville and Hay Day, players can immerse themselves into the artificial pleasures of farming. This includes things like growing crops, raising livestock, and delivering goods and services to awaiting customers. Like Farmville, Township got its start on the Facebook platform and evolved into a standalone app. But where Farmville and Hay Day focus strictly on farm-building, Township expands the player's reach into other areas of development, like house-building, factories, restaurants, movie theaters, and even a zoo. It blends farm and city building together into something that's less 'nostalgic farming' and more 'farming metropolis'. The game is also quick to catch on to, with a fairly basic tutorial that relies on simple animated GIFs that show the player exactly how to play, but leaves enough room to let the player explore on their own if they want.

With a fairly basic premise ("Congratulations on inheriting some property!"), a simple-yet-complex gaming structure that keeps you engaged, and amazing graphics, Township remains a top contender in the world-building simulation apps out there.

➔ Main points:

  • Blends both city building and farm building together
  • Grow your own crops, take care of your own animals, and sell the wares that you make
  • Build and grow things in real-time with accelerated speed
  • Focus on building your city into whatever you want it to be!
  • Game shop allows player to use real money to advance your level faster